Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I'm Reading

My dad recommended the book, Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart by Gordon Livingston, M.D., and I was eager to read it because I am always looking for wisdom to help me with the tough stuff in life. The older I get the more I understand the phrases that youth is wasted on the young, and if I only knew then what I know now . . .

If I learn nothing else from this book, it will be worth the read for the following advice I gleaned from chapter two:

The three components of happiness are something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.

I felt heartened by this advice because these are things we can actively pursue and create for ourselves. Happiness can seem so elusive, but by breaking the emotion down to these achievable parts, it is something that all of us can reach.

There is a beautiful foreword written by the late Elizabeth Edwards as well. I am just jumping into chapter three but I already feel strongly about recommending this little treasure of a book.


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