Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Check-In

As 2010 started winding down, I made a promise to myself that when my town sent out its next Parks and Rec calendar, I would sign up for zumba class. I am not a huge fan of exercise but I like the ever-expanding aspects of my body even less, so since I enjoy dancing I figured this would be an excellent way to get some cardio exercise. I have been taking the class for about a month now and it's been fantastic.

The winter weather in the Northeast has wreaked a little bit of havoc on our exercise schedule though. It seems like half of our classes have been cancelled because of snow and ice storms so we are juggling some class times around to see if we can find makeup days.

I mention this because I have struggled with how to manage this new activity with the busy schedule I already have. During the evenings this week I either had zumba or doctor's appointments or have had to shovel snow. I haven't yet figured out how to work the writing into this new busy schedule or how to work this schedule around the writing.

All this leads up to the fact that I have not made much progress on my revisions. Saturday has been my best bet so far when it comes to being able to make time for my writing, so tomorrow I plan to get out the chisel and hammer and start whacking away at the next segment of my book.

Next week already promises to be a busy one as far as evenings go, which is when I used to get most of my writing done. I am not a morning person, but I can see where I need to make some changes to my sleep schedule -- and my body's natural rhythms -- so I can try to work more writing time in. I am not yet ready to confront this option, so I will see what I can carve out during the nights next week.

Until then, keep reading and keep writing!


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