Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What I'm Reading

This past weekend I kicked it old school, reading by candlelight. Well, not exactly candlelight . . . the northeast got hit by Hurricane Irene and I lost power for 36 hours (I consider myself lucky I got my power back so soon!). That first day without power was pretty peaceful and relaxing and as day turned into night, I switched on my flashlight and read into the wee hours.

I read a few books during that time, partly because one of those books -- Vanished -- was written by one of my favorite thriller writers, Joseph Finder and I rushed to read through it. One of the things I love about his writing is the incredibly fast pace of his books. It is a rare gift to be able to tell such a quick, riveting story and when I read him I hope to learn a little bit more of that part of the trade. This particular book was not as fast paced as some of his earlier work, but it was a compelling read with a layered plot -- lots of unexpected twists and turns, which made it hard to pull my nose out of the book. I was so happy I stopped by the library to get it for my storm watch!

Who are some of your favorite thriller writers? Inquiring minds want to know!


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