Monday, August 15, 2011

What I'm Reading

I am slightly obsessed with entrepreneurs. I have a number of friends who have gone this route, who have made millions and lost millions, if not more. They inspire me in more ways than I can account and my hope is to someday go as boldly as they have done; to leverage fearless creativity with entrepreneurial courage and solve problems, create something important, and live my version of the dream.

When I heard that the founder of CD Baby, Derek Sivers, wrote a book about his experience in creating this indie music super site, I couldn't wait to read it. Anything You Want is a short but awesome read for anyone interested in entrepreneurial pursuits or just following your interests doing something you love.

And another cool thing, he is offering over 200 free MP3s from his favorite musicians to anyone who purchases the book. There is a secret code located on the book itself, but I won't divulge the secret here. You're just going to have to go out and get a copy for yourself! A great story, a helpful business lesson, and free music?! It's a bargain!


P.S. - Derek Sivers is not one of my entrepreneur friends, but it would be really cool if he was.

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