Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Play Days

I have a few days off at the end of this week and I am so excited I can barely concentrate at the DDJ (dreaded day job). All I can think about is having such cherished freedom with regard to my time. I simply cannot wait.

Funny though -- I usually look forward to my time off . . . so I can get back to work.


My vacations and play days are concentrated blocks of time when I can really hunker down, tune out the normal day-to-day, and narrowly focus on the writing part of my life. While I try to accomplish what I can after work or on weekends, it's never really quite the same as having some specific days set aside for the writer and want-to-be-published side of me.

And in a way, these are the best possible play days I could ask for. I get to spend time with characters I like and want to know more about. I get to go on cool adventures, fall in love, and guarantee a happy ending. And most interesting of all - at least for me - is I get to experience what it would feel like to write full time, even if only for a few play days or a week's vacation. It's my chance to visualize!

If you can dream it, you can achieve it! So later this week I will be visualizing and acting out my full-time, stay-at-home author gig with the hope of achieving this 'new job' some day soon!

So if given some play days and some time for creative visualization, what would you do? Inquiring minds want to know!


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