Sunday, April 18, 2010

Excess Baggage

I am at times astounded by the amount of personal and emotional baggage some people seem to acquire and carry around with them in life. Don't get me wrong - I think we accumulate things throughout life without even trying. It comes about and clings to us as a bi-product of just plain living.

But there are people, too, who seem to thrive on inviting excess loads into their lives and there are a few levels of understanding I fail to achieve when I contemplate this phenomenon. The first level - why would anyone want to knowingly invite such intense drama into their lives? And the second level - how do these people land on their feet?

This second question puzzles me on so many levels, but the one that vexes me to no end is these people seem to be able to find love and romance quickly and easily. And I am baffled. Why would anyone want to welcome another person into their life who comes with so many problems and issues and excess baggage?

Inquiring minds want to know!


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