Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Desperately Seeking My Tipping Point

The Tipping Point is an incredible book by Malcolm Gladwell and if you haven't checked it out yet, I hope you will. Essentially, the tipping point is "the level at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable." I think of it as a slow build until all the energy and progress and hard work shifts the balance in a different, more positive way. In essence, it's when all your hard work and dedication pushes you over the hump.

Right now, the DDJ is breaking my momentum. It has such a stronghold on my time and energy and emotion that I have a hard time throwing those same precious resources at my writing. And I am so frustrated and sad and angry because I can't seem to encourage the momentum to swing away from the DDJ to help me over the hump. I want my efforts to tip less toward the DDJ and more toward my writing . . . eventually reaching that all-important and coveted tipping point where the writing runs the show, leaving the DDJ behind.

And though I am frustrated and sad and angry, when I do come by those reserves of time and energy and emotion, the thought of that tipping point helps me muscle through. It is great motivation. The journey may be taking more time and using more resources than I may have imagined, but if I stay the course I know I can shift the balance.

What do you guys think about tipping points? Inquiring minds want to know!


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