Sunday, April 25, 2010

Addicted to TV

I can't help it or seem to be able to stop myself. I am addicted to TV and am more distracted by reality shows than I would have ever predicted or admitted when they first started to hit the air waves en masse.

As a writer, I feel as though I need to watch at least a slim amount of television - our writing benefits from cultural references that keep our stories current and authentic, so it makes sense to have this awareness. Still, in all the shows I watch with these new reality stars in the mix, I don't recall ever seeing segments where they themselves watch TV. I have been thinking about this and taking away the cautionary message about success and how one spends one's time. It's obvious, of course, but does not make it any easier to modify behavior. My TV addiction is sucking away too many productive hours but the downtime feels superb.

I need to find a better balance between needing time to recharge and being more productive in my after-work hours. I need an intervention!

What about you guys? How much TV would you say you watch daily? Weekly? Inquiring minds want to know!


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