Friday, January 15, 2010

Life's Soundtrack

I sometimes forget the powerful effect music can have. A song can have a lot of personal meaning associated with it, depending on circumstances taking place in your life during the times you hear it.

I like to think of the tunes on my iPod as songs selected for my own life's soundtrack. Love songs, happy songs, sad songs, and get-up-and-go songs. Old soul songs. Songs that fill me with an I am woman, hear me roar kind of confidence. Songs that remind me of different times and places in my life.

And I love how everyone's soundtrack will be different.

One question I'm so curious to ask though -- is there a song on your playlist that you'd be embarrassed to admit to downloading? Come on . . . I know you have at least one! I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.

Fess up -- inquiring minds want to know!
