I've been feeling kind-of split this week . . . winding up work on the current book and getting started on the next one. But a weird thing happened . . . I had been letting thoughts on the new book perk in the background throughout the writing of the current book and was eager to get started on it. Until one day this week, out-of-the-blue, a new, pretty compelling book idea came out of nowhere. It's so strong that it's getting in the way of plotting out the book I had planned.
I've run both ideas past some trusted friends to get some feedback, and each time they've reacted to the new idea. As one friend put it, THAT'S THE ONE YOU NEED TO WRITE. So . . . I've got a really good problem in that I think I have a great idea, but I am not ready to write it yet. My job this summer is to flesh the idea out and work through all the story elements so that I can get writing on it as soon as possible. I have been gripped by the idea, and am pretty excited about exploring its possibilities.
Fingers crossed!