Monday, December 28, 2009

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

I've never been big on big New Year's Eve celebrations. I tend to hunker down with a few of my favorite things -- a stack of movies, maybe a piping hot pizza, the TV more ready for the Bowl Games to come rather than the evening's network hoopla -- and quietly usher in the changing of the guard from one year to the next. But just once I wish I could be attending a fabulous party on the last night of the old year.

I suppose that's one reason why I enjoy writing fiction so much -- to have the opportunity to live the life I've imagined, if not in reality than at least on the page.

So if I were to script my ideal New Year's Eve, I would be at a private party with some close and cherished friends, in turn with some of their fun, hip friends, laughing, dancing, and celebrating love and life. I left my heart in San Francisco a long time ago so maybe the party of my dreams would take place in a hip loft on the wharf . . . Then again, the New Year is about new possibilities, so maybe I would shift coasts and maybe the party in my thoughts would be right at the heart of the celebration in New York City. Either way, the venue would have tremendous skyline views of whatever city hosted us. There would be a heart thumping cocktail mix on the sound system while the TV would quietly hum in the background as we all awaited Dick Clark's countdown.

Midnight would finally come and we'd all huddle 'round in a group hug as the clock ticked down. In those final seconds the object of my affection would pull me aside in meaningful private recognition of those precious last seconds of the old year . . .

The party would continue into the wee, wee hours but I could go home happy and fulfilled at 12:05, for my New Year's wish would have already come true and time spent attending that one fabulous party would be complete!

Plus, I would need my rest to prepare for the football feast that would take place in just a few hours. Fabulous party or the quiet passage at home, either way New Year's Day has always been and will always be about football.

So real or imagined, what comprises your ideal New Year's Eve? Inquiring minds wants to know!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cool Yule, everyone!

I'm going to be offline for the next few days, so I wanted to check in and wish those of you who celebrate Christmas a very merry one!

What are you doing for the holiday? Inquiring minds want to know!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Holiday Frazzles

There's so much joy and fun that happens around the holidays, but there is always the real danger of encroaching on holiday burnout. It's getting down to the wire now, so how do you stay sane with so many additional, seasonal demands on your time?

Inquiring minds want to know!


Monday, December 7, 2009


So much holiday hubbub going on, not that I'm complaining because Christmas is one of my favorite times of year! I love the holiday spirit that gets ushered in with Thanksgiving and hangs around until New Year's. I try to channel this festive feeling throughout the year, but to hear the holiday music, to see the lights and Christmas trees and decorations, and to smell the evergreen and cinnamon and nutmeg as their scents transform the house are all unique seasonal delights for my senses.

Spending time with my loved ones is the best part for me, and trying to find that one gift that will put a smile on their faces is a special challenge I look forward to. I love wrapping presents! Do you have a favorite part of this time of year? What about you? Inquiring minds want to know!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Big Turkey Extravaganza

I haven't posted in a while because I have been juggling two book projects, trying to get one done before Christmas while trying to bring the other one as far along as I can before the time ticks down on the end of this year. I've gotten some great work done, but still have much to do.

For now, I am going to take a moment to rejoice and embrace the spirit of the season. To remember the many people and blessings for which I am thankful, and to do what I can to help those in need.

I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Web Work

I'm working on my new web site and am currently on the 4th version of the design. I like all of them equally and find it hard to decide between them all. So I wonder . . . what elements do you look for when looking up a web site? What information do you want your favorite authors to share?

Inquiring minds want to know!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Book Browsing

I was at the book store tonight and took a more-than-leisurely stroll through my favorite sections. I knew of at least one book I wanted to buy but I was hankering for something in addition and had a hard time putting my hands on just the right book to satisfy my craving. Either the back cover blurb didn't grab me or the setting wasn't right or the opening page didn't strike my fancy. I really struggled but then settled on the work of a writer I had always wanted to try but hadn't yet had the chance to read. The title was a little lackluster but the cover art was gorgeous, which is what made me look twice. The back cover blurb was interesting, but it was the book's first few pages that really sold me.

So . . . when you're looking for someone new to read, what makes you decide to pick up that author's book in your local bookstore? Inquiring minds want to know!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Guys and Attractive Quirks

So I've been working on my latest book and I am in love with the premise and just want so badly to do the book justice. But there are some things that, as I write, just don't feel right with the book. I had a beta reader run through the first few chapters and offer some feedback, most of which I plan to incorporate because she was able to come at the 'problems' from a different angle and help provide solutions I hadn't considered. I am much excited to put those new kinks into the story.

There is one piece to the story still giving me some trouble, however, and it's that I haven't yet come up with the right ingredients for my heroine's love interest. He's a likeable enough guy, but I want him to be someone that all my readers will fall in love with, not just my lead character. So I'm asking you -- what traits do you love in the guys you love? What kinds of attractive quirks can I infuse in her crush that would make you melt? Inquiring minds want to know!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Music I'm Digging - New Kids

For me, these guys are the Old Kids who are New again. Back in the day, Jordan was my favorite but in this new incarnation I must say, I'm digging Donnie. Who knew he could rap like that?! I love his raspy rap voice and that hint of a Southie accent, which makes me think Click, Click, Click is my favorite track on the new CD.

It never fails that trends cycle through. We see it in fashion, books, music, hairstyles, design . . . suddenly what's old is new again.

What about you? Do you have an old favorite something that's new and en vogue again? Inquiring minds want to know!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Ugh. September is suddenly here. I am such a summer baby and I always have a hard time when school starts again and the season begins to change. I have had to come up with little incentives to help me transition from summer fun to colder weather and the best incentive I came up with is football. I actually like watching the sport but I enjoy the pomp and circumstance around it, too. The food, social gathering, competition, emotion, excitement -- it's all good!

Not to mention that a quarterback is my most favorite kind of man-in-uniform!

What about you? What are some of your fall favorites? Inquiring minds want to know!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Books I Love - Evermore

I am a little late to the party that is Alyson Noel's evermore, but now that I have had the chance to start the book I just wanted to share how much I like it. I think if you are a Twilight fan, this book will help satisfy your cravings for a similar kind of story.

Here is some more info on the book from
"Seventeen-year-old Ever survived the car crash that killed her parents, younger sister, and their dog. Now she lives with an aunt in Southern California, plagued not only by survivor guilt but also by a new ability to hear the thoughts of all around her. She tries to tune out all these distractions by keeping her hoodie up and her iPod cranked loud, until Damen, the cute new boy at school, convinces her to come out of her shell. Damen, however, is frighteningly clever—and has the strange ability to produce tulips from nowhere and disappear himself at critical moments. Noël (Saving Zoë, 2007) creates a cast of recognizably diverse teens in a realistic high-school setting, along with just the right tension to make Ever’s discovery of her own immortality—should she choose it—exciting and credible."
I hope you will run out and get yourself a copy! (Book two, blue moon came out last month, too!)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Make it Work!

One other silver lining to the start of the school year . . . many of our favorite shows come back to the air waves with new episodes. And one of my favorites starts tomorrow -- Project Runway!

I love this show because of its artistic elements. I think it's amazing that the contestants are issued different challenges with very little time in which to create their garments. From inception to design to creation, the process in so short a time is an amazing thing to watch.

Plus, I am a huge fan of Tim Gunn and can't wait to hear his latest witticisms.

What about you? Which shows can you not wait to see again? Inquiring minds want to know!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Usually at about this time of year Staples, the office supply store, runs a commercial that shows two unhappy kids in the store while their parent rides a shopping cart with obvious glee. All to the song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." For some people, back-to-school may indeed be their most wonderful time of the year, but it never was one of mine. The end of summer was always a very somber time of year for me.

In search of the silver lining, I did find one aspect of this season somewhat appealing -- the whole experience of back-to-school shopping. Something that gives us an excuse to shop can't be all bad, could it?

So, what about you -- is this a wonderful time of year for you or not? What's your silver lining in getting ready to go back to school? Inquiring minds want to know!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just a Few Weeks Left!

With the remains of summer fast dwindling, what are some of the things you hope to cram in in the time we have left?

I haven't gotten my walk on the beach yet, so I think a trip to the shore may be on my to-do list. What about you? Inquiring minds want to know!


Friday, August 7, 2009

John Hughes, Director of 'The Breakfast Club,' Sixteen Candles,' 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' Dies at 59 - ABC News

John Hughes, Director of 'The Breakfast Club,' Sixteen Candles,' 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' Dies at 59 - ABC News

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John Hughes

Such sad news to hear that John Hughes has passed away. His movies rank up there as some of my all-time favorites, with Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles leading the way. He was the voice of a generation and his influence was far-reaching. I have been on the look-out for the next John Hughes for years. Here's hoping his legacy will live on in many films to come.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Top 5

I love the Living Social Top 5s on Facebook. The other day I saw one asking participants to list the Top 5 things someone could use to lure and catch you.

So I got to thinking about which five things would be sure to make me stop and take notice. Here are some things most likely to draw me in:

1. David Beckham

2. Books

3. Birthday Cake

4. A plush, comfy bed

5. White hydrangeas

What about you? Can you name five things that someone could use to steal your attention and lure you in? Inquiring minds want to know!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Have a happy period?

This post is for us girls, though guys are certainly welcome to read it - but, no offense, I'm not sure I want to hear your comments on the matter. I'm looking for the voices of experience here.

Have you seen the ad for Always feminine products? The one that ends with a voice over from a woman with an incredibly unrealistic zen-like voice (given the circumstances) saying, "Have a Happy Period."

I don't know a woman alive who is happy at all during that period (pardon the pun). It is the most miserable act of clockwork ever conceived and I always feel incredibly insulted every time that Always ad assaults the airwaves and condescends to women everywhere with its fabricated marketing mumbo jumbo. It makes me think that there's no way a woman could have possibly worked on that ad campaign, but that wouldn't make any sense. It's all about feminine products!! Corporate would have had to get a feminine point of view in order to create the campaign, so how could this insult possibly be the end result? Have a happy period?!

I know we don't all suffer equally, but they don't call it the curse for nothing.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Inquiring minds want to know!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Should Beckham Be Booed?

So David Beckham made his way back to the MLS and his role with the L..A. Galaxy this past weekend and instead of being welcomed back to his home away from home, he was booed, jeered, and antagonized for the entire match. There's been much written about his homecoming but I am curious to know what you think about it?

I don't know about you, but in my book D-Becks can do no wrong. He's got to be one of the most beautiful men on the planet, and all is right in the world if I can just sit and look at him!

What do you think? Inquiring minds want to know!


Summer is here!

We're halfway through summer vacation but the summer weather is just now joining us in the northeast. I had my first barbecue this past weekend and my first corn-on-the-cob this evening. It finally feels like summer is here!

So, what about you? What rings in your summer? Is it the last day of school, or do you have other warm weather traditions that make the season feel authentic?

Inquiring minds want to know!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sad Losses Today

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both passed away today. In a weird turn of events, I was in Los Angeles today, and in fact was near the UCLA Medical Center when Michael Jackson was first rushed to the hospital (though I didn't know it at the time).

News like this always makes me sad. These were someone's children, sibling, aunt or uncle, mother or father, friend, lover . . . and you know that there are millions of people either close as family or a million times removed who will grieve deep in their hearts for this loss to their personal lives and the world's popular culture.

A few years ago, I had five family members/close friends of the family pass away in the few months between Halloween and New Year's. One of those people was a woman who was in her mid-late nineties, in terrible pain, weary, struggling, and ready. Yet as she faced the end of her life, her mantra was stronger than ever - life is too short.

At ninety-something years old with a full life behind her, she still felt that she wasn't ready to go.

And there are two razor sharp aspects to this: while she may not have been ready to go, the people she left behind certainly weren't ready to lose her.

Without getting too preachy, when we suffer terrible losses, I hope it serves as a great reminder to us all to live the kinds of lives we want to lead. To live them to the fullest. To treat our loved ones with care and respect, and to never let the opportunity lapse to tell someone how important they are to you and how much they are loved. The 'next time' is never guaranteed, and you never know if you will ever get another chance to say those precious words.

Be good to yourselves and one another.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Random Reality TV

The buzz on the web today was about last night's Real Housewives of New Jersey finale. There were two very distinct camps that emerged in the comments I read - those people who felt sorry for Danielle and how the family had ganged up on her and those people who were rooting for her to get what she deserved.

I'm just wondering if any of you have any thoughts about the dinner fight? Which camp are you in?

Do you have a favorite housewife? Why? As writers create characters we always try to search for ways to make them resonate with readers. What is it about any or all of the housewives that makes you like them . . . or not?

An inquiring mind wants to know!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Tell Me What You Want to Read

I love reading books written specifically for young adults and middle school readers. and have found a lot of inspiration from the writers who write them - some of whom have become my friends!

I love being a writer, and a big part of writing is being an active reader, too.

I'll read lots of things but find that I am drawn to sweet, romantic comedies the most. In talking to some friends and in reading some of the buzz about the kinds of books the publishing houses are looking for, I understand that the demand is for sexy, racy teen lifestyles or stories with faeries, werewolves, zombies, shapeshifters, ghosts, and the unique vampire tale.

A cool thing about being a writer is that a lot of us talk about the books we like. So, since I'm doing a little market research, I was wondering if you could tell me -- what kinds of stories are you looking to read? Inquiring minds want to know!
